golang使用redis分布式锁_can be used to set the clock drift factor.-程序员宅基地

技术标签: redigo  golang  Redis  go-redis  redsync  redis分布式锁  


传送门 golang使用redis分布式锁 [2020年更新]


  1.  首先下载 github.com/garyburd/redigo,因为这个分布式锁是根据上面所实现;
  2. 下载  gopkg.in/redsync.v1 这个就是实现分布式锁的源代码(如果测试需要下载 github.com/stvp/tempredis);
  3. 我在Windows上不能运行,因为不支持,在Liunx上完美运行,其他的就没有试过了;
  4. 我们先来看下源码
package redsync

import (


// A Mutex is a distributed mutual exclusion lock.
type Mutex struct {
	name   string
	expiry time.Duration

	tries int
	delay time.Duration

	factor float64

	quorum int

	value string
	until time.Time

	nodem sync.Mutex

	pools []Pool


name   string          //命名一个名字
expiry time.Duration   //最多可以获取锁的时间,超过自动解锁
tries int              //失败最多获取锁的次数
delay time.Duration    //获取锁失败后等待多少时间后重试
factor float64
quorum int
value string           //每一个锁独有一个值,
until time.Time
nodem sync.Mutex
pools []Pool           //连接池 

// New creates and returns a new Redsync instance from given Redis connection pools.
func New(pools []Pool) *Redsync {
	return &Redsync{
		pools: pools,

// NewMutex returns a new distributed mutex with given name.
func (r *Redsync) NewMutex(name string, options ...Option) *Mutex {
	m := &Mutex{
		name:   name,
		expiry: 8 * time.Second,
		tries:  32,
		delay:  500 * time.Millisecond,
		factor: 0.01,
		quorum: len(r.pools)/2 + 1,
		pools:  r.pools,
	for _, o := range options {
	return m

// An Option configures a mutex.
type Option interface {

// OptionFunc is a function that configures a mutex.
type OptionFunc func(*Mutex)

// Apply calls f(mutex)
func (f OptionFunc) Apply(mutex *Mutex) {

// SetExpiry can be used to set the expiry of a mutex to the given value.
func SetExpiry(expiry time.Duration) Option {
	return OptionFunc(func(m *Mutex) {
		m.expiry = expiry

// SetTries can be used to set the number of times lock acquire is attempted.
func SetTries(tries int) Option {
	return OptionFunc(func(m *Mutex) {
		m.tries = tries

// SetRetryDelay can be used to set the amount of time to wait between retries.
func SetRetryDelay(delay time.Duration) Option {
	return OptionFunc(func(m *Mutex) {
		m.delay = delay

// SetDriftFactor can be used to set the clock drift factor.
func SetDriftFactor(factor float64) Option {
	return OptionFunc(func(m *Mutex) {
		m.factor = factor



package main

import (

func DoRedisCmdByConn(conn *redis.Pool,commandName string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
	redisConn := conn.Get()
	defer redisConn.Close()
	return redisConn.Do(commandName, args...)

func TestRedis(t *testing.T) {

	//pool := newPool()
	//rs := redsync.New([]redsync.Pool{pool})
	//mutex1 := rs.NewMutex("test-redsync1")
	//conn := pool.Get()
	curtime := time.Now().UnixNano()
	pool := newPool()
	mutexes := newTestMutexes([]redsync.Pool{pool}, "test-mutex", 2)
	orderCh := make(chan int)
	for i,v :=range mutexes {
		go func(i int,mutex *redsync.Mutex) {
			if err := mutex.Lock(); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Expected err == nil, got %q", err)
			fmt.Println(i,"add lock ....")
			conn := pool.Get()
			str,_ := redis.String(DoRedisCmdByConn(pool,"GET",fmt.Sprintf("name%v",i))
			fmt.Println(i,"del lock ....")
			orderCh <- i
	for range mutexes {
	fmt.Println(time.Now().UnixNano() - curtime )

func newTestMutexes(pools []redsync.Pool, name string, n int) []*redsync.Mutex {
	mutexes := []*redsync.Mutex{}
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		mutexes = append(mutexes,redsync.New(pools).NewMutex(name,
	return mutexes

func newPool() *redis.Pool {
	return &redis.Pool{
		MaxIdle:     3,
		IdleTimeout: time.Duration(24) * time.Second,
		Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
			c, err := redis.Dial("tcp", "")
			if err != nil {
				//s.Log.Errorf("redis", "load redis redisServer err, %s", err.Error())
				return nil, err
			return c, err
		TestOnBorrow: func(c redis.Conn, t time.Time) error {
			_, err := c.Do("PING")
			if err != nil {
				//s.Log.Errorf("redis", "ping redis redisServer err, %s", err.Error())
				return err
			return err


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