如何成功在M1 macbook上运行Ubuntu20.04_ubuntu20.04 for m1-程序员宅基地

技术标签: 虚拟机  ubuntu  linux  arm  mac  


Parallels官方发布了针对搭载apple silcon M1芯片的Mac的测试版虚拟机,官网介绍如下:
参考地址:Meet the new Parallels Desktop

To run a virtual machine on a new Mac computer with the Apple M1 chip, the Parallels Engineering team created a new virtualization engine that uses the Apple M1 chip hardware-assisted virtualization and can run ARM-based OS in a virtual machine. Due to the significant difference between Intel x86 and ARM architectures, it’s not possible to either run existing virtual machines created on Mac computers with Intel processors or to create a new virtual machine with Intel x86 based OS.

Many Parallels Desktop features depend on a virtualization engine and guest OS architecture and must be developed nearly from scratch for the Apple M1 chip: starting from running an OS itself, graphics, the ability to suspend/resume a virtual machine, seamless integration, Coherence mode, Shared Folders, and many more. While our team continues to work hard on bringing all of the best Parallels Desktop features to Mac computers with Apple M1 chip, we are proud to share the results we achieved with this significant milestone.


第一步 安装测试版 Parallels Desktop



Step 1: Check what you need.
To install the Parallels Desktop 16 for M1 Mac Technical Preview, you need:
*A Mac computer with an Apple M1 chip.
*An ARM-based operating system installation image (VHDX or ISO).
(Note: This Technical Preview is limited to Mac computers with Apple M1 chip and will not install on Mac computers with Intel processors.)

Step 2: Review Limitations.
As this is a new virtualization engine, there are both some fundamental technical limitations related to the Intel x86 platform, and some temporary limitations due to a work-in-progress product state. Please note well key limitations of this version below:
*It is not possible to install or start an Intel x86 based operating system in a virtual machine.
*It is not possible to suspend and resume a virtual machine, including reverting to a “running state” snapshot.
*It is not possible to use the “close” button when a virtual machine is running - shut down the virtual machine instead.
*ARM32 applications do not work in a virtual machine.
(Note: Please keep in mind that this is not a final product and should not be used in a business-critical environment.)

Step 3: Install and Activate.
Parallels Desktop 16 for M1 Mac
Activation key
(To install the Parallels Desktop 16 for M1 Mac Technical Preview, please download the installation file (use the link above), then double-click it and follow the onscreen instructions. To activate Parallels Desktop, use the activation key displayed above.)

Parallels Desktop下载地址


第二步 下载ubuntu基于arm的版本

去ubuntu官网下载镜像文件 Ubuntu Server for ARM

我下的是 ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 文件名是 ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-arm64.iso

第三步 Parallels 安装 Ubuntu系统
我使用Parallels Desktop导入镜像文件时有错误,官网也有人反应:


  1. Open Parallels Desktop. Click New > Install Windows or another OS from a DVD or image file > Continue > Choose Manually > Continue without a source > Continue > Ok > Continue > Create.
  2. Open the virtual machine’s Configuration: click Parallels icon || > Control Center > right click on the virtual machine > Configure.
  3. Click Hardware > CD/DVD > Source and browse to the installation .iso
  4. Switch back to the virtual machine’s Window and in the top menu click Actions > Reset.
  5. Virtual machine shall boot from the installation image and let you proceed with installing the OS.

第四步 安装图形界面



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