ImageMagick学习_group4compression magicksetimagecompression-程序员宅基地

技术标签: image  scripting  java  file  postscript  microsoft  algorithm  


ImageMagick是一套稳定的工具集和开发包,可以用来读、写和处理超过89种基本格式的图片文件,包括流行的TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF以及PhotoCD等格式。利用ImageMagick,你可以根据web应用程序的需要动态生成图片, 还可以对一个图片或图片序列进行改变大小、旋转、锐化、减色或增加特效,并将操作的结果以相同格式或其它格式保存。对图片的操作,可以通过命令行进行,也可以用C/C++、Perl、Java、PHP、Python或Ruby编程来完成。同时ImageMagick提供了一个高质量的2D工具包,部分地支持SVG。现在,ImageMagic的主要精力集中在性能、减少bug以及提供稳定的API和ABI上。




  1. 将图片从一个格式转换到另一个格式
  2. 改变尺寸、旋转、锐化(sharpen)、减色、图片特效
  3. 缩略图片的合成图( a montage of image thumbnails)
  4. 适于web的背景透明的图片
  5. 将一组图片做成gif动画
  6. 将几张图片做成一张组合图片
  7. 在一个图片上写字或画图形
  8. 给图片加边框或框架
  9. 取得一些图片的特性信息

    1.   右面是一些例子。

    1.   ImageMagick几乎可以在任何非专有的操作系统上编译,无论是32位还是64位的CPU,包括*nix ,Windows '95/'98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP, Macintosh (MacOS 9 /10), VMS 和 OS/2.
      tar zxvf ImageMagick-5.5.6.tar.gz
      cd ImageMagick-5.5.6
      make all
      make install

    1.   注意不要忘记,将ImageMagick安装后的函数库所在目录加入到/etc/profile文件中的LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量中,以及/etc/中同时运行ldconfig,否则一些对ImageMagic的应用可能会出问题。

程序名 命令行参数 说明
animate [ options ... ] file [ [ options ... ] file ... ] 显示一个图片序列。为防止颜色闪烁,它会费时为图片序列创建一个颜色表,这可通过减色来加快速度,参见。
composite [ options ... ] image composite [ mask ] composited 将图片合成为新图片。
conjure [ options ] script.msl [ [ options ] script.msl ] 解释并执行Magick Scripting Language (MSL).语言脚本。
convert [ [ options ... ] [ input_file ... ] ... [ output_file ] ] 转换图片的大小、格式等。
display [ options ... ] file ... [ [options ... ]file ... ] 一个独立于机器框架的图片处理和显示程序,能在任何运行X服务器的工作站上显示图片。
identify file [ file ... ] 描述一张或一些图片的格式或个性信息,如果图片不完整或被破坏也会有相应报告。
import [ options ... ] file 读取X服务器上任何可见窗口中的图象将输出为图片文件。可以用它抓取一个窗口、整个屏幕或屏幕上的任何矩形区域。
mogrify [ options ... ] file ... 转换一张图片或一个图片序列. 包括图片缩放、旋转、减色及其它操作。转换结果覆盖原图片。
  ImageMagick支持的某些文件格式,需要安装特别的函数库,具体参见。用convert -list format 可以看一下实际支持的文件格式。 有对命令行参数的详细说明,有一些使用例程。有一些说明。

  ImageMagick还支持一种平台无关的文件格式Magick Image File Format (MIFF)格式,用来保存bitmap图片.ImageMagick能将MIFF与JPEG, XPM, TIFF等多种格式的图片互相转换。

Supported ImageFormats




ART R PFS:1st Publisher Formatoriginally used on the Macintosh (MacPaint?) and later used forPFS: 1st Publisher clip art.


R MicrosoftAudio/Visual Interleaved  
AVS RW AVS Ximage  


RW MicrosoftWindows bitmap  
CGM R ComputerGraphics Metafile Requiresralcgm torender CGM files.


RW KodakCineon Image Format

Cineon Image Format is a subset of SMTPE DPX.

CMYK RW Rawcyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples Set-size and-depth to specify theimage width, height, and depth.
CUR R MicrosoftCursor Icon  
CUT R DR Halo  
DCM R DigitalImaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image Usedby the medical community for images like X-rays.
DCX RW ZSoftIBM PC multi-page Paintbrush image  
DIB RW MicrosoftWindows Device Independent Bitmap DIB is aBMP file without theBMP header. Used to support embedded images incompound formats like WMF.
DPX RW DigitalMoving Picture Exchange  
EMF R MicrosoftEnhanced Metafile (32-bit) Onlyavailable under Microsoft Windows.
EPDF RW EncapsulatedPortable Document Format  
EPI RW AdobeEncapsulated PostScript Interchange format RequiresGhostscriptto read.
EPS RW AdobeEncapsulated PostScript RequiresGhostscriptto read.
EPS2 W AdobeLevel II Encapsulated PostScript RequiresGhostscriptto read.
EPS3 W AdobeLevel III Encapsulated PostScript RequiresGhostscriptto read.
EPSF RW AdobeEncapsulated PostScript RequiresGhostscriptto read.
EPSI RW AdobeEncapsulated PostScript Interchange format RequiresGhostscriptto read.
EPT RW Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format withTIFF preview RequiresGhostscriptto read.
FAX RW Group3 TIFF SeeTIFF format. Note that FAXmachines use non-square pixels which are 1.5 times wider than theyare tall but computer displays use square pixels so FAX images mayappear to be narrow unless they are explicitly resized using aresize specification of "150x100%".


R FIGgraphics format RequiresTransFig.


RW FlexibleImage Transport System  
FPX RW FlashPixFormat RequiresFlashPixSDK.
GIF RW CompuServeGraphics Interchange Format 8-bitRGB PseudoColor with up to 256 palette entires. Specify theformat "GIF87" to write the older version 87a of the format.Note that since Unisys claims apatent onthe LZW algorithm (expiring world-wide as of June 2004) used byGIF, ImageMagick binary distributions do not include support forthe LZW algorithm so GIF files are written uncompressed. Users arerecommended to use the PNG or JPEG formats instead, and shouldconsult theUnisysLZW web page before enabling LZW support.
GPLT R Gnuplotplot files Requiresgnuplot3.5.tar.Zor later.
GRAY RW Rawgray samples Use-size and-depth to specify theimage width, height, and depth.
HPGL R HP-GLplotter language Requireshp2xx-3.2.0.tar.gz
HTML RW HypertextMarkup Language with a client-side image map Also known as "HTM". Requireshtml2ps to read.
ICO R Microsofticon Alsoknown as "ICON".
JBIG RW JointBi-level Image experts Group file interchange format Also known as "BIE" and "JBG". Requiresjbigkit-1.0.tar.gz.


RW Multiple-imageNetwork Graphics JPEG in a PNG-style wrapper with transparency. Requireslibjpeg and libpng-1.0.2 or later,libpng-1.2.5or later recommended.
JP2 RW JPEG-2000JP2 File Format Syntax
JPC RW JPEG-2000Code Stream Syntax
JPEG RW JointPhotographic Experts Group JFIF format Requiresjpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz
MAN R Unixreference manual pages Requiresthat GNU groff and Ghostcript are installed.
MAT R MATLABimage format  


RW Magickimage file format OpenImageMagick's own image format (with ASCII header) which ensuresthat no image attributes understood by ImageMagick are lost.
MONO RW Bi-levelbitmap in least-significant-byte first order  


RW JPEGNetwork Graphics Requires libpng-1.0.2 or later,libpng-1.2.5or later recommended.


RW MotionPicture Experts Group file interchange format (version 1) Requiresmpeg2vidcodec_v12.tar.gz.


RW MotionPicture Experts Group file interchange format (version 2) Requiresmpeg2vidcodec_v12.tar.gz.
MPC RW MagickPersistent Cache image file format Thenative "in-memory" ImageMagick uncompressed file format. Thisfile format is identical to that used by Open ImageMagick torepresent images in memory and is read in "zero time" via memorymapping. The MPC format is not portable and is not suitable as anarchive format. It is suitable as an intermediate format forhigh-performance image processing.TheMPC format requires two files to support one image. When writingthe MPC format, a file with extension ".mpc" is used to storeinformation about the image, while a file with extension “.cache”stores the image pixels. The storage space required by a MPC image(or an image in memory) may be calculated by the equation(QuantumDepth*Rows*Columns*5)/8.
MSL RW MagickScripting Language MSL is the XML-based scripting language supported by the conjure utility.
MTV RW MTVRaytracing image format  
MVG RW MagickVector Graphics. The native ImageMagick vector metafile format. A textfile containing vector drawing commands accepted by convert's -draw option.
OTB RW On-the-airBitmap  
P7 RW Xv'sVisual Schnauzer thumbnail format  
PALM RW Palmpixmap  
PBM RW Portablebitmap format (black and white)  
PCD RW PhotoCD Themaximum resolution written is 768x512 pixels since larger imagesrequire huffman compression (which is not supported).
PCDS RW PhotoCD Decodewith the sRGB color tables.
PCL W HPPage Control Language Foroutput to HP laser printers.
PCX RW ZSoftIBM PC Paintbrush file  
PDB RW PalmDatabase ImageViewer Format  
PDF RW PortableDocument Format RequiresGhostscriptto read.
PFA R PostscriptType 1 font (ASCII) Openingas file returns a preview image.
PFB R PostscriptType 1 font (binary) Openingas file returns a preview image.
PGM RW Portablegraymap format (gray scale)  
PICON RW PersonalIcon  
PICT RW AppleMacintosh QuickDraw/PICT file  
PIX R Alias/WavefrontRLE image format  


RW PortableNetwork Graphics Requires libpng-1.0.2 or later,libpng-1.2.5or later recommended.
PNM RW Portableanymap PNM isa family of formats supporting portable bitmaps (PBM) , graymaps(PGM), and pixmaps (PPM). There is no file format associated withpnm itself. If PNM is used as the output format specifier, thenImageMagick automatically selects the most appropriate format torepresent the image.The default is to write the binary version of theformats. Use+compress to write the ASCII version of theformats.
PPM RW Portablepixmap format (color)  
PS RW AdobePostScript file RequiresGhostscriptto read.
PS2 RW AdobeLevel II PostScript file RequiresGhostscriptto read.
PS3 RW AdobeLevel III PostScript file RequiresGhostscriptto read.
PSD RW AdobePhotoshop bitmap file  
PTIF RW Pyramid encodedTIFF Multi-resolutionTIFF containingsuccessively smaller versions of the image down to the size of anicon. The desired sub-image size may be specified when reading viathe -size option.


R SeattleFile Works multi-image file  
RAD R Radianceimage file Requiresthatra_ppm from the Radiance software package beinstalled.
RGB RW Rawred, green, and blue samples Use-size and-depth to specify theimage width, height, and depth.
RGBA RW Rawred, green, blue, and matte samples Use-size and-depth to specify theimage width, height, and depth.
RLA R Alias/Wavefrontimage file  
RLE R UtahRun length encoded image file  


R ScitexContinuous Tone Picture  


R SeattleFile Works image  
SGI RW IrixRGB image  
SHTML W HypertextMarkup Language client-side image map Used to write HTML clickable image maps based on a theoutput of montage or a format whichsupports tiled images such as MIFF.
SUN RW SUNRasterfile  


RW ScalableVector Graphics Requireslibxml2 andfreetype-2. Note that SVG is avery complex specification so support is still not complete.
TGA RW TruevisionTarga image Alsoknown as formats "ICB", "VDA", and "VST".
TIFF RW TaggedImage File Format Also known as "TIF". Requirestiff-v3.5.4.tar.gzor later. Note that since Unisys claims apatent onthe LZW algorithm (expiring in the US as of June 2003) used byLZW-compressed TIFF files, ImageMagick binary distributions do notinclude support for the LZW algorithm so LZW TIFF files can not bewritten. Although a patch is available for libtiff to enablebuilding with LZW support. Users should consult theUnisys LZW web pagebefore applying it.


R TrueTypefont file Requiresfreetype 2.Opening as file returns a preview image.
TXT RW Rawtext file  
UIL W X-MotifUIL table  
UYVY RW InterleavedYUV raw image Use-size command line option to specify widthand height.
VICAR RW VICARrasterfile format  
VIFF RW KhorosVisualization Image File Format  


RW Wirelessbitmap Supportfor uncompressed monochrome only.


  WindowsMetafile Requireslibwmf.By default, renders WMF files using the dimensions specified by themetafile header. Use the -density option to adjust the outputresolution, and thereby adjust the ouput size. The default outputresolution is 72DPI so "-density 144" results in an image twiceas large as the default. Use-background color tospecify the WMF background color (default white) or-texturefilename to specify a background texture image.
WPG R WordPerfect Graphics File  
XBM RW XWindows system bitmap, black and white only Usedby the X Windows System to store monochrome icons.
XCF R GIMPimage  


RW XWindows system pixmap Alsoknown as "PM". Used by the X Windows System to store color icons.
XWD RW XWindows system window dump Usedby the X Windows System to save/display screen dumps.
YUV RW CCIR601 4:1:1 Use-size command line option to specify widthand height.

Pseudo ImageFormats

Tag Mode Description Notes


R Imagecaption fixme
CLIPBOARD RW WindowsClipboard Onlyavailable under Microsoft Windows.
FRACTAL R Plasmafractal image


GRADIENT R Gradualpassing from one shade to another Returns a rendered gradient image using the specifiedimage size. Specify the desired shading as part of the filename(e.g. "gradient:red-blue"or "gradient:#F00-#00F").
HISTOGRAM W Histogramof the image


LABEL R Textimage format Specify the desired text as the filename (e.g. "label:Thisis a label").
MAP RW Colormapintensities and indices Set-depth to set the sample size of the intensities; indices are16-bit if colors > 256.
MATTE W MATTEformat Writeonly.
NULL RW NULLimage Useful for creating blank tiles with montage (use "NULL:"). Also useful as anoutput format when evaluating image read performance.
PLASMA R Plasmafractal image


PREVIEW W Show apreview an image enhancement, effect, or f/x Creates a preview montage of images prepared over aparameteric range in order to assist with parameter selection.Specify the desired preview type via the -preview option).
PRINT W Sendimage to your computer printer Unixusers may set the PRINTER (for 'lp') or LPDEST (for 'lpr')environment variables to select the desired printer.
SCAN R Importimage from a scanner device Requires SANESpecify the device name and path as the filename (e.g. "scan:mustek:/dev/scanner").
STEGANO R Steganographicimage Use -size command line option to specify width,height, and offset of the steganographic image
TILE R Tiledimage Createa tiled version of an image at by tiling a image. Use -size tospecify the tiled image size. The image is specified similar to "TILE:image.miff".
VID RW VisualImage Directory Used to create a thumbnailed directory (tiled thumbnails)of a set of images which may be used to select images to view viathe display program, or saved to a MIFF or SHTML file.
WIN RW Selectimage from or display image to your computer screen Onlysupported under Microsoft Windows.
X RW Selectimage from or display image to your X server screen Also see the import and display programs.
XC R Canvasimage of specified color Useful to create solid color "canvas" images. Use -sizeand -depth to specify the image width, height, anddepth. Example XC color specifications include "XC:red" and "XC:#FF0000".

Built-in Image Formats

Name Description Notes/Sample
GRANITE 128x128granite texture pattern
LOGO 640x480,ImageMagick Logo
NETSCAPE 216x144image using colors in Netscape 216 (6x6x6 ) color cube.

Most commonly used with the convert/mogrify -map option to create “web safe”images.

ROSE 70x46,Picture of a rose.

Built-inImage Patterns

Name Description Notes/Sample
BRICKS 16x16brick pattern
CHECKERBOARD 30x30checkerboard pattern
CIRCLES 16x16circles pattern
CROSSHATCH 8x4crosshatch pattern
CROSSHATCH30 8x4crosshatch pattern with lines at 30 degrees.
CROSSHATCH45 8x4crosshatch pattern with lines at 45 degrees.
FISHSCALES 16x8fish scales pattern
GRAY0 32x320% intensity gray
GRAY5 32x325% intensity gray
GRAY10 32x3210% intensity gray
GRAY15 32x3215% intensity gray
GRAY20 32x3220% intensity gray
GRAY25 32x3225% intensity gray
GRAY30 32x3230% intensity gray
GRAY35 32x3235% intensity gray
GRAY40 32x3240% intensity gray
GRAY45 32x3245% intensity gray
GRAY50 32x3250% intensity gray
GRAY55 32x3255% intensity gray
GRAY60 32x3260% intensity gray
GRAY65 32x3265% intensity gray
GRAY70 32x3270% intensity gray
GRAY75 32x3275% intensity gray
GRAY80 32x3280% intensity gray
GRAY85 32x3285% intensity gray
GRAY90 32x3290% intensity gray
GRAY95 32x3295% intensity gray
GRAY100 32x32100% intensity gray
HEXAGONS 30x18hexagon pattern
HORIZONTAL 8x4horizontal line pattern
HORIZONTALSAW 16x8horizontal saw-tooth pattern
HS_BDIAGONAL 8x8backward diagonal line pattern (45 degrees slope)
HS_CROSS 8x8cross line pattern
HS_DIAGCROSS 8x8diagonal line cross pattern (45 degrees slope)
HS_FDIAGONAL 8x8forward diagonal line pattern (45 degrees slope)
HS_HORIZONTAL 8x8horizontal line pattern
HS_VERTICAL 8x8vertical line pattern
LEFT30 8x4forward diagonal pattern (30 degrees slope)
LEFT45 8x8forward diagonal line pattern (45 degrees slope)
LEFTSHINGLE 24x24left shingle pattern
OCTAGONS 16x16octagons pattern

RIGHT30 8x4backward diagonal line pattern (30 degrees)

RIGHT45 8x8backward diagonal line pattern (30 degrees)

RIGHTSHINGLE 24x24right shingle pattern

SMALLFISHSCALES 8x8small fish scales pattern
VERTICAL 8x8vertical line pattern
VERTICALBRICKS 16x16vertical brick pattern
VERTICALLEFTSHINGLE 24x24vertical left shingle pattern
VERTICALRIGHTSHINGLE 24x24vertical right shingle pattern
VERTICALSAW 8x16vertical saw-tooth pattern
EmbeddedImage Patterns
Format Mode Description Notes
8BIM RW Photoshopresource format (binary)


8BIMTEXT RW Photoshopresource format (ASCII) AnASCII representation of the 8BIM format.
APP1 RW Rawapplication information


APP1JPEG RW RawJPEG binary data Profilein JPEG wrapper.
ICC RW InternationalColor Consortium color profile

Also known as "ICM". To read, use -profile withconvert.

IPTC RW IPTCNewsphoto (binary)

To read, use -profile with convert

IPTCTEXT RW IPTCNewsphoto (ASCII) AnASCII representation of the IPTC format.


Posted by Hilton at October 28, 2003 09:34 PM | TrackBack



测试环境:ImageMagick5.3.1 ~5.5.7


Posted by: fengme at February 4, 2004 05:45 PM
steganoImage const Image &watermark_ Add a digital watermark to the image (based on second image)
using namespace std;
using namespace Magick;

int main(int /*argc*/,char **/*argv*/)
list imageList;
readImages( &imageList, "test_image_anim.gif" );

Image appended;
appendImages( &appended, imageList.begin(), imageList.end() );
appended.write( "appended_image.miff" );
return 0;

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